Hey Everybody! This is Karen from Wellness Works NW. How you doing out there? It’s that time of year when it is beginning to get a little cold and a little wet here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Don’t let that get you down. That rain out there is just liquid sunshine!
Have you ever met that person, that no matter what is going on they just seem to have that mindset; that positive mindset for the moment? Bam! This is what we have to do, we are going to do it and this is how we are going to do it!

…and you’re looking at them like you are glad they are there…and you’re thinking: Now that’s a leader!
I want you to know you could be just like that too! It’s all about mindset – What’s going on between your two ears. Now-a-days you are hearing about mindset all the time. You hear people talking about the proper mindset and basically let’s just break it down for us: A positive mindset means you are going to make the most out of what is happening right now. How are you going to act in this situation where, it’s not going to make you look bad, feel bad or ruin someone’s day?
Now most of us our there are chronically ill so we don’t get a lot of warning when the next flare is coming. So what we are going to do is, we are going to be mindful. So I am going to make sure I have my clothes set out for the morning because I know mornings are hard and it might even be harder if I am in a flare. That is something you can do to make the most of the moment. Even if mornings are rough, you can be in it to win it.
I normally have 5 different things I do in the morning so I can get through it. I am not a morning person, in case you didn’t know, but I have to have the proper mindset to start off the morning. I like to avoid things that might blare at me like email. I like to start out nice and easy. I love my coffee, so if I can get that first cup of coffee in there I am doing well. You might want to take a minute to breathe. If you are spiritual you might want to pray. Take time for you so you can prepare you mindset for the moment so no matter what happens or is thrown at you, you’ve got those things done that set you up to be the best person you can be. Make sure to spend some time thinking about this. If you journal, maybe journal about it so that you can set yourself up for success.
If your schedule is flipped, maybe you are a over night worker, you might want do these things at night before you go on your shift. Take that time for you. Mindset is important. Mindset is what you can control. There are several things you can’t control, but you can control your mindset. That is very important.
One of your favorite top 5 things is to what? That’s right! Exercise! It’s time to move it, move it, move it! How did you guys know I was going to say that?
Now as things turn out, a lot of us won’t be able to use our gyms for a while but that is no reason to not to move it. I am a big person on stretching, some people disagree with that and I will eventually do a whole YouTube video on that one, but right now, I love to stretch and I am going to teach you how to stretch. We are going to something to help those thighs! Oh, those thighs! When I was a baby, people would come and visit and they would tell my mother: Look at that child’s thighs! They are so big!

They still say that. I am kidding! They don’t say that. Any way I am going to stretch. This is a Hamstring Stretch. You get down on the floor like this, now if your dr says not to do this, don’t, but if you’re ok with this, sitting on the floor with your legs together, reach out and touch your toes. What you are trying to do is stretch this ham string, beautiful muscle in triplicate, lovely muscle. You have got to stretch those puppies.
Next you are going to jump up and do a Plié. You are going to stand with your heels together and your feet pointing out to the side at about a 45 degree angle. Dancers have no problem with this. So now you are going to go way down. Make sure to stick your butt out, like a squat but with your feet together. Do you feel that on the front of your thigh? Knock out about 10 of those puppies!
Now we are going to do some Lunges. Watch you knee. Try to not allow your weight over your knee. We have already stretched so that ham string is ready for this move. That is the reason we stretch to prepare that muscle for what is about to happen. You should be able to feel this on the back of your thigh. One more time! You got this! Then come back together and go over to the other side. Don’t let your weight go over your knee. It is ok if you can’t go all the way down.
These exercises are going to help those thighs. If you keep doing them you will become more flexible. Take your time. Don’t be hard on yourself. When you first start set your mindset to positive. You may need accountability partner. Try texting your partner and encourage each other.
You guys are wonderful. I thank you for all you do for us. I am sending all kinds of prayers and positive vibes. Watch those thighs!
If you need any help just to our website at WellnessWorksNW.com. Our website has all kinds of great information that will help you.
#KeepMoving #WellnessWorks #WootWoot

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Karen G ClemensonKaren G. Clemenson is not a doctor or a scientist. She is a real person that eats too much sometimes and misses her workout on occasion but is mindful of her path toward wellness, all the time. Karen understands that your physical wellness does not begin and end with your membership to a local gym. She knows that weight loss management begins with steps; some small and some large. These steps include diet, physical activity and retraining of the thoughts and habits that keep you from being successful on your path toward wellness.

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