This is Karen from Wellness Works NW. Are you feeling that fall weather turning? Here in the PNW, our weather was 70 degrees one day & then it was 40!

A lot of times when you are talking with someone you can tell they are someone who wants to help & to build you up. I used to be a realtor & I remember when I sold my first house! I was so excited! I told my friend about it & showed him a picture & he said he didn’t think the house was worth that much. He was surprised that I sold it for that amount. I was so happy & then he was so down, that before I knew it I was unhappy that I’d even told him. You want to try to avoid those people & telling them anything that is really important to you.

Now my friend Bob, he was a builder. He passed away at the age of 83. He always taught me to encourage people: If you can’t talk about anything good, talk about the weather & make it as good as you possibly can.

When you are diagnosed with a chronic illness you really need positivity. You’re thinking all kinds of things so being with people who give you different ideas to make your life the best it can be is so important. Those are the people you want to be around. Maybe you should read uplifting things. Things like the news, especially lately, maybe you should only watch it once a week because that too can bring you down.

When you are asked to speak to people try to lift them up. I am not suggesting that you lie, but if you can’t think of anything nice to say, pay them a compliment or acknowledge that you see they are happy about what they did. Putting people down sticks with you & what you want to have stick to you is the good stuff. That is Bob’s message. I think about that when I am asked to give an opinion. This is something I love to do & this is something that we have done at Wellness Works NW. We want to build people up. Often my clients may not be able to come to the gym for their appointment & we meet on the phone or online & I use that time to encourage them. I even take notes to see how I can help them & get them in a different mindset.

Sometimes when you are chronically ill it is hard to find that good, so we are going to keep focusing on that. Somebody else can pay attention to the negative. That is not for us. We want to find the good stuff & keep pushing people up & up. It is hard work but it is so fulfilling to watch people come up; their shoulders get a little straighter & they start feeling better about themselves. When you give people what they need to get going, that goodness will be returned to you.

In this day & age we are always on our cell phones, our head is down & we are holding a lot of tension in our hands are shoulders. I want to show you an exercise today that will help you. I am going to use one of my longer bands. I have removed the handles.

I am going to step on one end with my right foot while I hold the other end with my right hand. With this one my thumb fits perfectly in the little hole & I am going to make a small circular motion with my hand going clockwise or turning to the right. What that does is help the cap of your humerus, it wakes up that shoulder so it keeps moving. Do about 10 of those & then make your circular motion counter-clockwise or towards the left. You could even do this at your desk at work. You want to do this to keep your trapezius, which is that diamond shape between your shoulders & the top of you neck, from getting tense & causing you pain. The human body is amazing! Thank You Lord!

You want to keep things moving. You can still be talking to people while you do this. Just keep it nice & easy.

Next I want you to to hold your right arm out to the side & lift slowly up, while keeping your arm straight. The exercise helps your chest, the cap of your humerus & those beautiful traps. Then of course when you are done you are going to come over here to the other side & do the very same thing.

It seems simple but you do 5 sets of 20 & you will feel it! The humerus does a lot of work. I want you to keep moving it because it also helps the posture. These are things we have talked about before. This is functional exercising; something that you would do normally but you don’t do enough of because you are on your gadgets so much.

When you are done with both sides you can take the band & wrap it around both hands, spread your feet about a shoulder’s width apart & lift the band above your head & pull. This movement works your shoulders, your traps & your triceps. You don’t need to do a lot of these, just until you feel it. You have to keep moving because some of us sit for a living & so I don’t want you to forget these kinds of moves. When you do them you will be surprised how much better your neck feels.

You guys are absolutely awesome. I thank you so much!

If you need any help just to our Resources page. Our website has all kinds of great information that will help you.

I am sending all kinds of positive thoughts & prayers. #KeepMoving #WellnessWorks #WootWoot

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Karen G ClemensonKaren G. Clemenson is not a doctor or a scientist. She is a real person that eats too much sometimes and misses her workout on occasion but is mindful of her path toward wellness, all the time. Karen understands that your physical wellness does not begin and end with your membership to a local gym. She knows that weight loss management begins with steps; some small and some large. These steps include diet, physical activity and retraining of the thoughts and habits that keep you from being successful on your path toward wellness.

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