Greetings everyone,
I hope everyone is doing well and your wellness journeys are paving the way to good health.
As many of you know from earlier an earlier article I shared regarding Ultrasonic Cavitation for my abdominal area, I decided to try The Works Facial. Let me tell you, this was the epitome of pure luxury. Again, Renee never ceases to amaze me with her talents as an esthetician.

Again, a surface for lying down was prepared with heated jade stones, which provides for the ultimate relaxing experience. I was given a pair of very cute socks, and a small pouch to put my jewelry in before we proceeded with the facial.
She began with a gentle massage to cleanse the skin, and this was followed up with facial LED lights, Infusion Treatment, Radio Frequency thermal lift treatment. During this time, your eyes are covered to protect them from the LED lights.This was followed by a micro current which feels like tiny little zaps of electricity to your face. (Out of an abundance of caution, I suggest if you are prone to seizures, discuss this with Renee before this step of the facial is done). She will then follow up with a facial and neck ultrasound and this feels very soothing and relaxing. She will massage your hands, arms, and feet with the same moisturizing treatment which provides all the anti aging benefits  as with your face and neck.
After 90 minutes of pampering I felt very relaxed and rejuvenated at the same time. My skin was much clearer, and I almost forgot about the treatment she applied to my jawline and under  the chin area. It was slimmed down and felt wonderful to the touch.
I highly recommend this service for anyone who wants to look and feel better. I find that her talents are instrumental in motivating me to stay on track in my own wellness journey to good health.
Here is her contact information and a link to her website and the services she provides:
Body and Spa Esthetics, LLC
1339 Commerce #202
Longview, WA 98632

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Nancy Cho-Auvil is the author of From the Heart column for Wellness Works NW. Nancy is also a contributing author of Mixed Korean: Our Stories. Native to the Pacific Northwest, Nancy lives in Cowlitz County with her life partner and their cat, Keekers. Nancy enjoys working out with Karen G Clemenson. She also enjoys knitting. Check out Nancy’s personal blog at You can also find Nancy on Facebook. Nancy is a mom, a grandmother and a heart attack survivor so we know what she writes comes straight From the Heart…

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