Ha! There you are! Did everyone have a great 4th of July? I know you did! It was probably a little different this year, but I am sure you still had a great, great 4th of July! We are 244 year old! Can you believe that? We look pretty good for 244, don’t we?

I am so glad you are out there. Today I want to talk about The Whole Enchilada. I am a foodie, so I make these food things. Of course I have to do that. You have to think about the whole enchilada when you are thinking about your wellness, its not just diet and exercise, its how you handle your stress too. We’ve been a little challenged over the last few months so we are all considering: Do I do a little self-care? What do you we do so way stay resilient and get out there and make it happen. Of course you want to exercise but you want to make a plan. You want a wellness plan. 
What is a Wellness Plan? That’s something that’s going to take you from where you are right now to where you’d like to go. If your sitting there on the couch and your saying, “You know what? I’d really like to lose a little weight. I am really thinking about my abs.” 
Bam! See you know exactly what you’d like to do and we can do it together. You just need some support. You might be thinking about how you’re never gonna do that again, all the negativity, The Quarantine 15. What a terrible thing! The Quarantine 15 means that you may gain a few pounds because of the quarantine. Don’t listen to that. The next time you hear that just plug your ears and say: Blah! Blah! Blah! I’m not listening to you.
I know you can do better. You can use this time to catapult yourself to anywhere you want to be. You can do it and I can help you, as a matter of fact. Often times, when a person first comes in to work on their Wellness Plan, I want to see what you are thinking. Where would you like to go? What’s bothering you the most? All of times we have a myriad of things that are going on. We know that the weight is maybe the top thing that you want to focus on right now and then maybe we’ll get to the other stuff. Then we make a plan. We can make it happen but you gotta have a Wellness Plan.
I like to do BMIs. BMI stands for Bulk Mass Index. It shows exactly what you are made of. It shows how much muscle you’ve got, how much fluff you’ve got, and its going to show how much water you have. Weight is made up of a myriad of things so this is really going to help you. I have a special device that I use called a caliper. Basically I tweak you right back here on your tricep; no blood. You’re thinking, “Tweak? What does that mean?” It just kind of grabs you on the back of your arm and we are able to use an electronic, computerized system that helps us find this information about you so you can see what is exactly going on. By the time you are actually at the end of the test you are able to see how much you weigh, how much is fat, how much is water and how much is muscle. When you see where you are now you are able to make choices about how to fine tune your Wellness Plan. We also take a series of pictures: one on the side, one on the back and on the front too. We do this to help make this a reality for you. I know you’ve dreamed about your goals, some of you say you want to look like Julia Roberts, and that might not be an actual reality but this way you can feel things out. 
Wellness Works NW offers a myriad of other tests too. By the time we are done your plan makes more sense to you. We can gauge how much cardio you actually need, how strong your biceps are. You will love the tools we have to help you reach your goals. We should really talk about this so go ahead and Send Me an Email and lets talk what is right for you.
I know you are are excited because we are going to exercise. I just happen to have a Balance Ball and you might be wondering where you can get a ball. Big 5 has balls. A lot of places have balls you can buy. You can buy them online. On our website we have an article that might help you choose the ball that is right for you. 

Read: Get on the Ball

Today Karen is going to work her shoulders, stretch her upper body and work her biceps. She will be using hand weights. Make sure to squeeze those muscles at the top of the exercise. Make sure to be careful when using the ball. Take your time to get used to the ball. Make sure to start out by just sitting on the ball. But you can also lift the ball over your head for a good stretch.
Remember to look at the whole enchilada. Decide how you want things to be. Let’s make a plan and lets win! We can do this!
I am thinking about you and all the things we can do. I’m sending positive thoughts and prayers! Thanks!
#KeepMoving #WellnessWorks #WootWoot

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Karen G ClemensonKaren G. Clemenson is not a doctor or a scientist. She is a real person that eats too much sometimes and misses her workout on occasion but is mindful of her path toward wellness, all the time.

Karen understands that your physical wellness does not begin and end with your membership to a local gym. She knows that weight loss management begins with steps; some small and some large. These steps include diet, physical activity and retraining of the thoughts and habits that keep you from being successful on your path toward wellness.

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