Hey Everybody! This is Karen from Wellness Works NW. Today we are going to have some fun. Are you ready? Jamie Holloway, my good friend, has sponsored this video and it is a video about using a Stability Ball for a Ball Works Out.

Today we are going to go over a few things that you can do on the ball. I know many of you have one hidden in your closet. First I want to start with stretching because it may have been a while since you have been active and we want to wake those joints and muscles up slowly.

Hamstring Stretch – Walk the ball slowly forward with your hands. You will feel this in your hamstrings.

Balance Practice – Get used to sitting on the ball. You want to keep your feet flat on the floor until you are more comfortable with more difficult moves. If you need to sit near a wall or stable furniture it is ok while you get used to being on the Exercise Ball. Just sitting on the ball, you are working your abs. Good posture is imperative when you are sitting on the ball.

Quad Stretch – We are going to stretch the muscles on the front of our thighs. Slowly slide forward on the ball and stop, then slowly slide back.

Lower Back Stretch – Take your right hand and set it on the ball behind you, as far as you can reach. With your left hand try to grab your knee or thigh and turn slowly will sitting with your feet flat on the floor and hold it for a great lower back stretch. Repeat on the other side.

Neck Stretches – Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor. Tip your head back slowly and hold. Bring your head back to the front slowly and hold. We like this stretch because it helps the lymphatic system stay clear and helps us prepare for movement of our head.

Morning Reaches – Raise your arms up, as high as you go and hold. Next bring them down slowly, toward your front and hold. Finally slowly, open your arms as wide as you can and hold and then bring them together in front of you and hold them out extended.

Make sure to keep breathing and stretching this is very important.

Ab Workout – Many of these are advanced moves, so you may need to work toward this in stages until you are strong enough to do this.

Sit with your feet flat on the floor, put your hand in your arm pit to keep them immobile and slowly walk forward and lean back. The goal is to get your shoulder blades on the ball. Stretch your arms up and back in order to elongate the spine.

Crunches – With your shoulder blades on the ball and your feet flat on the floor as well as your hands in your armpit, sit part way up in a crunch. Make sure to squeeze your glutes. It is easier to do crunches on the ball than on the floor.

When you are on the ball you are able to use other exercise equipment to add more resistance to your workout.

Bicep Curls – Seated on the ball with your posture strong and your feet flat on the floor, hold your weights in your hands and slowly curl your arms toward your chest.

Tricep Lift – Seated on the ball with your posture strong and your feet flat on the floor, hold your weights in your hands, bring your weight straight up toward the ceiling and then bend your arm back and hold. Then bring your arm slowly back up. Do about 5 of these (or more). Repeat on the other side.

There are tons and tons of varieties of exercises we can do. I would like to thank Jamie for sponsoring this 15 minute video. If you would like to sponsor a longer video, please contact us at 360-447-8061 or on our website at https://www.wellnessworksnw.com/contact/

I appreciate your support. I am sending all kinds of prayers and positive vibes. See you soon!

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Karen G ClemensonKaren G. Clemenson is not a doctor or a scientist. She is a real person that eats too much sometimes and misses her workout on occasion but is mindful of her path toward wellness, all the time. Karen understands that your physical wellness does not begin and end with your membership to a local gym. She knows that weight loss management begins with steps; some small and some large. These steps include diet, physical activity and retraining of the thoughts and habits that keep you from being successful on your path toward wellness.

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