We are so glad to see more people following us and reaching out to us! Thank you!
Bless the class of 2020! These graduates are going to be able adapt better than generations before! We are so proud of you!

May is also Women’s Health Month. We, women, tend to take care of everyone first and forget ourselves. The month of May is a time to remind women to put ourselves first. One thing we, women, commonly live with is brain fog and I want to remind you that exercise is the best thing for brain fog. A specific exercise you might enjoy is yoga. There are many types of yoga and I want to encourage you to try the different styles of yoga to find one that you enjoy the most. Racquetball and strength training are other forms of exercise that you might enjoy doing. Take care of you. This is very important.
Reminder: exercise decreases inflammation and increases blood circulation.
Another reason for exercise is to help you become more stable and lessen the chance for a fall which can really be life changing.
Today Karen is working with free weights in order to stretch and strength train at the same time.

Once you have made a decision to exercise please contact me. You can call or text me at 360-447-8061. I want to help you make your time at the gym or working out, wherever you want to exercise, about you.
You must commit to you so you will be better for your family and friends.
Make sure to email me!
#KeepMoving #WellnessWorks #WootWoot

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Karen G ClemensonKaren G. Clemenson is not a doctor or a scientist. She is a real person that eats too much sometimes and misses her workout on occasion but is mindful of her path toward wellness, all the time.

Karen understands that your physical wellness does not begin and end with your membership to a local gym. She knows that weight loss management begins with steps; some small and some large. These steps include diet, physical activity and retraining of the thoughts and habits that keep you from being successful on your path toward wellness.

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