Welcome back guys! Food! I have always been a foodie! Its just the way it is…
Karen’s Foodie Definition: Someone who LOVES food. Good times, bad times, doesn’t matter…Food!
You’re a foodie too, huh? So now you’ve decided you are going to be exercising. Remember that day I told you, exercising is great and wonderful but if we are doing this because we are trying to lose weight, we have really got to think about what we are eating. 70% of what you are doing to be well is the food.

I think the number 1 thing I have learned while working with people is to have them real food. Now Marie Callender has some great stuff but when you start to read labels, I mean really pick it up and look at it, the picture and it is great and then you see 750 calories…and that is not the calories of the whole item. I don’t really understand why they do that, but 750 calories is for just half of it…so go ahead and double those calories and you are talking about 1500 calories.
I remember I was in a Grocery Outlet one time and read that and screamed. The guy next to me asked: Are you ok Ma’am?
I said: I just…I just can’t eat this!
But anyway you have to think about it. If I can leave you with anything; you have to start reading labels. If you are going to eat packaged foods, I get it, you are going to make your own decisions, but check it out, be informed. Grab Marie Callender’s and it looks really good but flip that puppy over and you will see that the calories listed are for a 1/2 serving is 750 calories, nice and cute and you will think, “750 calories, what the heck, this is dinner.” But I want you to be really cautious about what you are eating. Reading the labels is really good for you. It will teach you a lot.
I have clients that go to the doctor and they have a problem. They come to me because they have a problem and I like to fix problems, and they will tell me their bad cholesterol is high and my good cholesterol is low…So let’s attack the puppy. We have a reason and lets decide eat some real food. Like stuff that grew on a tree or out of the ground like good onions and broccoli. Broccoli is what we call a super food. You can’t go wrong with broccoli whether is is raw or cooked. Sometimes we can’t digest it well when it is raw but if you need to cook it, cook it. It is almost what we would call a free food. You can as much as you want of it and it wont hurt your diet plan.
Something else I want you to watch is your sugar. Holy night in the country! I love sugar. There are many different kinds of sugar. I want you to be informed. Because I think that once you start eating real food, once you start putting an investment in yourself and you start to eat real food, I mean food that is not prepackaged, and when you do eat it, you want to make sure you are reading it well. So you can make an educated decision and then make a plan that will let you make your goals. Eating good food boosts your mood and keeps your bones strong!
I love food. I will never stop loving food, so you learn to make substitutions. Like when I really want a Hershey’s candy bar with almonds, I might have a banana. I will trade off. It is like when talked about habits last week and how we replace bad habits with good habits. I want to make sure you are doing that…and you’ve got to exercise!

Today Karen is going to work with a kettle weight while we do Sumo Squats to get a total body workout. We will engage our obliques (love handles). We want everything you do to be intentional. Make sure you are breathing. We are also going to do a lunge to work out our abductor muscle (inner thigh). Turning our lunge toward the front and squeezing with our butt will get our glutes working and making it happen!
I want to encourage you to investigate the food you eat and maybe you might start trying a new recipe or may decide to invest in a meal plan with me. I want you to keep your energy up. Remember just because you are watching what you eat, doesn’t mean you need to walk around hungry. I also want you to drink your water. 
I always enjoy spending time with you. I am a foodie, just like you. We can do this together. I am sending positive prayers and positive vibes. You can do this!
Note: The Cambridge Dictionary says that a foodie is: a person who loves food and is very interested in different types of food. Dictionary.com goes as far as to say this person may be very interested in cooking…Karen is not allowed in the kitchen, except to do the dishes or to reheat food in the microwave…so she is not a real foodie…Technically she just likes to eat. 🙂
Lucky for Karen, her wife loves to cook, read labels, try new recipes and make healthy food swaps…
Call or text me at 360-447-8061 and we can talk about your success! I can’t wait to hear from you!
#KeepMoving #WellnessWorks #WootWoot

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Karen G ClemensonKaren G. Clemenson is not a doctor or a scientist. She is a real person that eats too much sometimes and misses her workout on occasion but is mindful of her path toward wellness, all the time.

Karen understands that your physical wellness does not begin and end with your membership to a local gym. She knows that weight loss management begins with steps; some small and some large. These steps include diet, physical activity and retraining of the thoughts and habits that keep you from being successful on your path toward wellness.

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