Hey Everybody it’s Karen with Wellness Works NW! Today I want to talk about chronic pain. You guys know who you are out there. Sometimes it clouds up your mind and all you can think about is your back hurts. People are trying to share something important to them and all you can think about is your pain. 
Chronic pain is different than acute pain. Acute pain is when you fall down the stairs and you hurt for a few days. But chronic pain is something that keeps going, hip issues, knee problems, back and disk problems are chronic. It is hard to describe it to your friends. They don’t understand why you couldn’t keep an appointment with them or go hiking. 

This is why I like to sit down with folks and create a Wellness Plan for you. We talk about what is causing your chronic pain. Do you have a diagnosis that explains this. What can we do about it? What is the major problem that we can overcome. Sometimes our wellness plan has to be modified. Corrective exercises are sometimes the best way to go and we need to make changes as we go along. I understand that chronic pain is a pain, literally.
Probably a major difficulty that come with chronic pain is swelling. Any kinds of fluids that are pooling up in the body we need address why this is happening and what we can do. There are medications that doctor can prescribe for chronic issues but there are also exercises that that might help too.
You knew I was going to get to that, didn’t you?
Moving your body is going to help you get some relief if you do it correctly. Today we are going to focus on some exercises that might help you get some of the swelling off your body that makes it hard to move. There are a ton of people who are chronically ill and I want you to know you are not alone.
When it comes to swelling you want to get things moving. So lets start on the floor, on your back with your knees up. We are gong to do what I call table tops. Lift up your hips off the floor and squeeze as you come up. Take your time. Modify it if you need to. You can leave your legs down and tighten your butt and tummy.
Another movement is where you start sitting on the floor with your legs apart and stretch out to your foot. Hold it a few seconds. Be mindful your knee, you want to keep it slightly bent. Make sure to breathe.
Also sitting with your legs together on the floor and point and flex your feet. All these exercises may hurt when you start, depending on what you are going through. You may only be able to start with 5 reps.
Make sure to check with your doctor. I am sure that they will agree that movement is key!
You guys are wonderful. Thank you so much for watching. I am sending positive vibes and prayers.

Send me an email to tell me how you are doing.
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#KeepMoving #WellnessWorks #WootWoot

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Karen G ClemensonKaren G. Clemenson is not a doctor or a scientist. She is a real person that eats too much sometimes and misses her workout on occasion but is mindful of her path toward wellness, all the time.

Karen understands that your physical wellness does not begin and end with your membership to a local gym. She knows that weight loss management begins with steps; some small and some large. These steps include diet, physical activity and retraining of the thoughts and habits that keep you from being successful on your path toward wellness.

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