This article was originally posted on May 28, 2019 on

I was 13 years old when I found out I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). The moment I started my period I had problems, blood clots, having a period for six months or longer, which is the worse thing ever. I never had symptoms of cramps or mood swings that healthy women had, that told them they were about to start. I just started and it would sometimes happen at school. I have been embarrassed by this many times.  It sucked.

Because of the PCOS I had painful procedures done, such as a DNC, birth control pills to help regulate me. Finally, these things stopped working. Why am I writing about this? It’s simple, I am going back to the beginning. Since January I have been in a lament stage and it is time to move forward.

Because I have PCOS, losing weight is challenging, and I want to do something different to help my body. I found a book at the library called Healing PCOS by Amy Medling from PCOS Diva. I found this book helpful, full of great information, recipes, even essential oils to help. She takes a whole body approach, not just physical body, but also the mental and emotional aspects. I like that.

Since I got home from my last dilation surgery on May 8, 2019 I have been considering going back to the anti-inflammation diet and it turns out this is a right decision. Because Medling recommends the anti-inflammation diet for those of us with PCOS. I love it.

I will be purchasing this book for my library so I can go back to it as I keep moving forward. If you suffer from PCOS, I recommend getting this book.

Here are some links I would like to share with you:

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JamieHollowayJamie Holloway lives in the Portland, Oregon area. Since October 2011 she has been sharing her Journey Toward Health and Wellness with Vasculitis through her blog at As most of her articles will be about Men’s Health, Jamie intends to write her articles as though she was sharing important information with her brother, nephews and friends. We hope you are as inspired as we are with the raw candor Jamie uses in her writing. If you would like to help support Jamie’s writing efforts please Donate now.

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