“This is a sponsored post. I have been compensated through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. All opinions remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.”

Living with a chronic illness presents so many different health obstacles that it becomes overwhelming. I know this to be true with my own chronic illnesses. With chronic illness you experience so many different types of symptoms, like vaginal dryness, that it is hard to know where to go for help.  I believe that relationships are sacred. They enrich our lives and they should be respected and honored. I’m going to talk about sex and what can help so that you can practice it safely. I’m focusing on women and their issues with vaginal dryness.  I personally believe communication is a must to have a sacred relationship with another person. It is hard to communicate when you are experiencing pain from vaginal dryness with your partner. I will share a temporary solution to help, it doesn’t cure it. It does help and that is the most important thing.

Vaginal dryness is when a woman’s vagina is not able to produce its natural lubricant. It is often times painful for the woman when she is having sexual intercourse. It can just be painful for the woman even if she isn’t have intercourse. It is uncomfortable period.

I have no idea why talking about our bodily parts and the problems we experience with them has become taboo. It is like it is shameful that we have these parts. That it somehow makes us undesirable, or not a woman when we have problems with them. We hide. We cry. We live scared. I know this, because although I’m a blunt person, talking opening about my vagina is uncomfortable. Instead of living in fear and living being uncomfortable I’m allowing the feeling and doing it anyway. We, as women need this information. We need to have products that can help us connect with our mates and stay the lovely women that we are. Feeling pain during intercourse does not need to happen. Taking care of our vagina needs to be included in our daily care.

I am going to get a bit personal in this post, but I believe in being frank about what I am sharing with all my readers. Sexual relations is a part of being married. It is a part of us connecting with our spouses. When one partner is experiencing vaginal dryness or any type of sexual dysfunction then that puts a monkey wrench into the marriage. I know this to be true simply because I have many friends who have come to me to discuss this issue. Communication is key in resolving the issue. I want to offer another solution, it is called personal lube. Particularly one lube brand I have in mind. It is called Sylk Natural Moisturizing Lubricant. Along with communication, I believe a temporary solution such as Sylk lube will help partners connect.

You are probably wondering why a woman would stop producing natural lubricant. Well here we go, this is a long list.

  • Diabetes
  • Menopause
  • Perimenopause
  • Sjogrens Syndrome
  • Medications such as anxiety meds, chemotherapy, and high blood pressure medications
  • Pregnancy
  • Child birth
  • Chemicals found in soap and hygiene products
  • Wegener’s
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • MS and many more

You are also probably wondering why I am recommending Sylk Natural Moisturizing Lubricant.

Here is why:

Sylk lube is made from natural ingredients. Such as, water, vegetable glycerin, kiwi fruit extract, and grapefruit extract, and many more natural ingredients. It is important that you use a lube that you have a water base type of one with natural ingredients. Not one with the chemicals phenoxyenthanol, silicon, petroleum, and propylene. Yes, these words are definitely hard to say and spell out, aren’t they?  The reason we want to use natural ones is because our vaginas are like sponges. They absorb things we use and put into it. I learned something. I did not know this about our vaginas. It is important with all our beauty and hygiene products to use ones without the harmful chemicals so that our body will not absorb them. Marriage and relationship is important especially for those of us with chronic illnesses. So it is awesome that they have temporary relief products such as Sylk to help alleviate dryness so that we can connect with our partners.

Vaginal dryness is common. All women will eventually experience dryness. Thankfully Sylk is one such natural lubricant that we can use to help. Having a healthy and safe sex life is everyone’s goal. I believe Sylk lube will help all of us with Chronic illness achieve that goal.

If you are interested in trying Sylk you can check them out on their website.

Ask Dear Jamie to Research a Topic

Chasing Wellness by Jamie HollowayJamie Holloway lives in the Portland, Oregon area. Since October 2011 she has been sharing her Journey Toward Health and Wellness with Vasculitis through her blog at JamieChasesButterflies.com. As most of her articles will be about Men’s Health, Jamie intends to write her articles as though she was sharing important information with her brother, nephews and friends. We hope you are as inspired as we are with the raw candor Jamie uses in her writing. If you would like to help support Jamie’s writing efforts please Donate now.

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