“I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.”

A Word from Jamie Holloway

I have always been interested in the medical benefits of cannabinoids. I don’t believe smoking it is a good medical use for it, but using it as a vitamin supplement or externally would be. I have known a few people in my life who have used it this way and have gained from it. When I was given the opportunity through Chronic Illness Bloggers Network to try Honey Colony’s Superior Cannabinoid Herb Formula I jumped at the chance to try it. I was excited that I was chosen.

The first day I received the product, I took a small dose. I didn’t do the full 3 drops as they recommend. I know enough about medications to know that you start slowly and then work up to the full dose. I’m glad that I did that. I’m one of the rare people who is allergic to cannabinoids. I was disappointed. I felt guilty. I felt like I just wasted everyone’s time. When I took one drop, by the way it tastes yucky, like medication should, but I liked the fact that it didn’t smell and it wasn’t hard to swallow. I also like the dropper, which was easy to use. My throat swelled up and I had to take allergy medication to help me. I’m thankful that I had some. I also talked to my friend while I went through this horrendous episode. She offered to try it and collaborate with me on this post so that I can be a person of integrity. Thank you Summer from Wellness Works NW.

Since I hate not following through with promises that I make, my friend Summer from Wellness Works NW said that she would try the product for me and help with writing the review. I have done some research and I have read the Honey Colony website. I hope you will check them out and try out their products too.

What I have learned from my research on Cannabinoids from my research is:

  1. Cannabinoids help with a wide range of chronic illnesses such as, diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, bowel disorders, seizers, and autoimmune disorders.
  2. Cannabinoids are anti-convulsing, anti-inflammatory, and helps with anxiety disorders and neuro degenerative diseases.
  3. Cannabinoids have non-psychoactive effects, so there is no high associated with it since it uses the CBD part of the plant.

I am handing the reigns over to Summer and give her the links I researched. Just because my body doesn’t allow me to use Cannabinoids doesn’t mean there is no value in this supplement. Just as you take other supplements there are going to be some you cannot take, doesn’t mean the product is bad, and just means my body doesn’t like it. I still feel that more research and more information is needed to see the full benefits. It helps better than other medications that pharmacies make then why shouldn’t we be allowed to use it. It is about having a healthy respect for our supplements and medications. It’s about being willing to try things to better our body.

A Word from Summer D Clemenson

Cannabis offers many health benefits when taken appropriately, I agree with Jamie that smoking cannabis is not a healthy way to consume cannabis but I have been curious about edibles and oils for some time. I have been using Superior CBD Oil by Honey Colony for a little over a month and I would like to share my experience with you.

Before I share all my observations of this product I want to share with you that I have a number of chronic illnesses including Panic Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Lymphedema, Hiatal Hernia and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Many of these issues are spoken of in the marketing of this product as symptoms that may be lessened or alleviated by using this product.

I am going to touch on 4 main aspects of this product and how it relates to my personal experiences with Superior CBD Oil by Honey Colony. These aspects are Marketing, Ingredients, Essential Oils and My Experience.


When Jamie handed off this product to me there was no box or any other marketing materials. I didn’t think to ask her if she got any, at the time, so since then I have had only relied on the bottle. In my opinion the front of the bottle is great. The colors are complimentary and the design is attractive. Due to the size of the bottle I can understand why the back of the bottle, which lists the ingredients and other important supplement information is located is in such a small font, however I would prefer if the text were in a more easy-to-read color. It is very difficult to read the information on the bottle and I did find a dose amount but I did not know how many drops were 1 ml. I have noticed that my eye prescription has changed this year, but I find it hard to believe that elderly people would be able to read this bottle at all.

It wasn’t until today that I went online and increased the size of the label I found several times before I could read: Suggested Use: 12 drops daily (1 ml); apply under the tongue and wait 90 seconds, then swallow.


  • Proprietary Botanical Compound Extract 800 mg; Equivalent to 200 mg dry botanical material
  • Sichuan Teasel Root; Sustainably Wildcrafted
    Sichuan has been used in China to help tonify the liver and kidney, promote blood circulation and strengthen the bones and tendons.
  • Shen Root; Certified Organic
    The dang shen root is a traditional Qi tonic and offers many of the same therapeutic benefits of ginseng. It is known for its energy, mood enhancing and restorative support.
  • Astragalus Root;Certified Organic
    Astragalus Root is a traditional medicine used in China for its numerous immune boosting properties.
  • White Peony Root; Certified Organic
    Otherwise known and Bai Shao Yao root, it is widely cultivated throughout China for its numerous health benefits.
  • Propolis; Sustainably Wildcrafted
    Propolis is used by bees to repair and protect their hive. It comprised of resin, flavonoids and related phenolic acids.
  • Bitter Orange Peel; Certified Organic
    Bitter Orange Peel has antibacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-flatulant, anti-allergenic and other helpful properties.
  • Vegetable Glycerin
  • Distilled Water
  • Cannabinoid Rich Hemp Oil 250 mg per 30 ml
  • Bitter Orange Concentrate; Certified Organic

Superior Cannabinoid Rich Hemp Formula

Essential Oils

I have been using Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils for about 4 years. I don’t use these oils internally because I have read enough to understand that the powerful oils can also damage my esophagus. Because I live with acid reflux in correlation with GERD I do not want to cause any damage to my throat. When I use Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils the oils are absorbed directly in the skin quickly. With Superior CBD Oil by Honey Colony the oils do not absorb quickly. I have to rub them in thoroughly and they are sticky. The stickiness will eventually go away but it is not as easy to use Superior CBD Oil by Honey Colony as the oils I have more experience using.

My Experience

I already take 6 different prescriptions per day to manage my chronic illness, I have altered my diet and added resistance training in lieu of aerobic exercise in order to encourage my path toward wellness. As I experimented with Superior CBD Oil by Honey Colony, using different doses and ways of using the oil, I can’t say I saw a lot of change quickly. I began using 3 drops of oil under my tongue twice and then three times per day. During this time I had several stressors that created a bout of depression and high anxiety. I did not see that the oils helped me. After I realized that the other ingredients in the oil were causing inflammation in my esophagus I began only using the oil externally. During a bout of extreme swelling in my stomach, which is a regular side effect of the acid blockers I take to maintain acid reflex, I didn’t see that the oils helped me. When the swelling subsided following my normal response to this, I also realized that my hiatal hernia had decided to swell which causes a lot of pressure making bending over or breathing painful. I began applying about 6 drops of the oil daily to the area where my hernia is and after about a week, I have noticed that my hernia has gone back down. I honestly don’t know if the oil helped or if it would have naturally gone back down as I kept up with my normal wellness plan.

The one way I know the oils helped is with menstrual cramps. By applying a few drops of the oil to my abdomen I felt instant relief for hours.

Unlike Jamie, I think Superior CBD Oil by Honey Colony tastes good. The first few times I tasted it, it seemed a little different, maybe medicinal, but after a couple times I thought it tasted a bit like honey. I enjoyed putting it under my tongue and letting it slowly go down my throat with a glass of water. However I soon began to experience inflammation in my throat and acid reflux and understood that the orange peel and concentrate were causing too much acid in my stomach and I had to maintain the use of the oil as topical only.

Overall, I am not convinced that this product is the right one for me. In my own research I have found that it is normal that each person would have a different response to cannabis and its properties and would require different blends and amounts. I am glad that some people have found relief from this product, but I have not seen enough success to continue using this product, however I am very thankful for the opportunity.

More Reading At:

Ask Dear Jamie to Research a Topic

JamieHollowayThis article was co-written by Jamie Holloway and Summer D Clemenson.

Jamie Holloway lives in the Portland, Oregon area. Since October 2011 she has been sharing her Journey Toward Health and Wellness with Vasculitis through her blog at JamieChasesButterflies.com. As most of her articles will be about Men’s Health, Jamie intends to write her articles as though she was sharing important information with her brother, nephews and friends. We hope you are as inspired as we are with the raw candor Jamie uses in her writing. If you would like to help support Jamie’s writing efforts please Donate now.


fuelYourWellnessSummer D Clemenson co-owns Clemenson Enterprises and Wellness Works NW with her wife, Karen G Clemenson. Their personal motto is Creativity, Honesty & Positivity are a must! This mantra helps them stay community and wellness minded in all they do. Summer also writes poetry and inspirational blogs @ ClemensonEnterprises.com. Her crochet art can be viewed and purchased @ KnottyWares.com & she loves special orders

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