Hi! I’m back! This is Karen from Wellness Works NW and I want to know: Do you have summer fever?
Summer is almost here! Father’s Day is here! Don’t forget all those great fathers and uncles and all around great guys out there that serve as fathers.

I was having a conversation with my step-father a few years ago while I was preparing for Relay For Life. Relay For Life is a community event that Cowlitz County hosts to raise money for cancer research. As I was explaining to my step-father what we do, I suggested that he have a PSA to test for testicular cancer. He decided that if I could stay out there for the entire 24 hour event, he would have this test. 
So the day of Relay came and was working hard with my team. I was taking other people’s laps to keep my part of my deal and the next day I called my step-father and let him know that I made it! So he decided he needed to follow through with his part of the deal. When he went in, it was found out that he actually had testicular cancer but since they found it so early, he was able to get proper treatment and now he is cancer free! Prevention is King!
You have to get in there and have those tests done. I know you could be watching the game or mowing the lawn but please take the time to get your tests done so that if you have an issue we can deal with it and get through it. We want you to stay as healthy as you can be.
You know I am always talking about the need to stay in shape. Now the American Cancer Society has done an important survey proven that exercise is important to a healthy life. They also said we need to stop drinking alcohol but, hey let’s talk about that later. Right now let’s focus on exercise. Exercise is different for a lot of people. Let’s just say that you want to work on your core. No matter what you do you are going to use your core. A lot of times back pain is caused by a weak core.
There are all kinds of great exercises you can do to work on your core. The first I am going to talk about is planking. Karen is going to show us a beginner’s plank and an advanced plank. The goal is to have a straight line from your shoulders to your heals. You will probably have to practice to get there. Another core exercise is called the V. Karen shows us a beginner and advanced V. Another exercise that Karen is showing us a standing leg left to address your lower abs.

We want to give a shout out to our baby niece, Jenasis who just turned 3, and her mama, our big niece, Stephanie who will have a birthday next week. We are wishing Happy Fathers Day to our fathers, Winnie Clemenson and Herb Winchester and Grandpa Henderson!
If you need help with your wellness plan please send me an email at karen@wellnessworksnw.com.
Find us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn at WellnessWorksNW!
#KeepMoving #WellnessWorks #WootWoot

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Karen G ClemensonKaren G. Clemenson is not a doctor or a scientist. She is a real person that eats too much sometimes and misses her workout on occasion but is mindful of her path toward wellness, all the time.

Karen understands that your physical wellness does not begin and end with your membership to a local gym. She knows that weight loss management begins with steps; some small and some large. These steps include diet, physical activity and retraining of the thoughts and habits that keep you from being successful on your path toward wellness.

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