Hey Guys! Its Karen from Wellness Works NW. It has been very hot but we are getting through it. I do a lot of talk but I am sure that you would never guess that, but I also try to do a lot of listening and every now and then you hear something that you haven’t heard before. Sometimes I get a call from someone and they ask me if I deal with chronically ill people, and I tell them I do and then they mention a different chronic illness, like PKU, and I start taking notes. Then your curiosity is peeked and you are in it to win it.

PKU stands for Phenylketonuria, which is a genetic disease, meaning that your folk’s genes caused you to have it. Most of the time when you have a chronic illness, it happens to you later and you learn to deal with the changes that happen. But with a genetic disease, you are born with it. These kinds of disease really get me because people have been dealing with them all their life. People with genetic disease they want to learn new ways to keep moving so they can have a better life. They also need advocacy. Because it is great to find a cure or treatment for PKU and other genetic disease.
In a few weeks we are going to have an interview with a client of mine, who has PKU. She is going to talk about what it is like to have PKU and different treatments that are coming about. When you have PKU your body is not able to break down protein. Things like meat, eggs and nuts are a no-go. What would you do if you can’t have protein? This of course leads to being reliant on carbs. A lot of time kids who have PKU have weight problems because they are eating all kinds of carbs and sugar. Having PKU can eve effect the brain.
These are major things that people with PKU have to deal with on a daily basis that can make it difficult. There is even a formula, to replace many of the nutrients that their bodies are missing because of their diet, that people with PKU have to drink for their entire life. This formula is not very tasty but it something they have to do. Check this out, these kids are in school and they have to go to the cafeteria…we all have memories of the school cafeteria…Never are you judged as much as when you are a kid, and now you have to drink this stuff at school, and people are looking at you funny because they don’t know what it is and it doesn’t smell very good. So now the kid is on the spot. This is very difficult to go through. 
There is all kinds of information online about PKU and even support groups that are available, that I am learning about. It is such an opportunity to be here and help people! I love this part of my job!
When you have PKU you can usually eat all kinds of vegetables, there are some sugars that it is suggested that they eat. There is the formula that they have to drink. Most fruits are good. There are special breads to eat. Crackers and many types of foods that they are limited to.
When we have our client on she is going talk about some of the things she has gone through. There is all kinds of positive thing happening! With all the kinds of changes that are happening it is good to learn about it.
If you are born with a chronic illness it so important that you keep a positive attitude and create a great team of people around you and you have to exercise. Exercise is so important no matter what you are going through.
We are gong to continue to talk about other genetic disease because, so often, people get misdiagnosed. 

Now I am going to grab a resistance band. I just happen to have one right now. This is a 20 lb band and it is made by the FAT company. There are lots of brands out there. You can keep these bands with you or take them to the office so you can practice our strength training anywhere you are. 
First I am going to stand on the band and do some Bicep Curls. Do about 10 of these and then do 10 more. Take time for you. This is really important. 
You can also wrap this band around your wrists and lift your hands above your head and practice a few Oblique Twists to get rid of those old Love Handles. Do a few of those and you can even alternate. 
I am here for you and supporting you.
Please head over to our website at WelnessWorksNW.com we have great writers, like my wife, Summer Clemenson, who wrote this article about PKU: Learning About Phenylketonuria
I am sending you positive prayers and vibes!
#KeepMoving #WellnessWorks #WootWoot 

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Karen G ClemensonKaren G. Clemenson is not a doctor or a scientist. She is a real person that eats too much sometimes and misses her workout on occasion but is mindful of her path toward wellness, all the time.

Karen understands that your physical wellness does not begin and end with your membership to a local gym. She knows that weight loss management begins with steps; some small and some large. These steps include diet, physical activity and retraining of the thoughts and habits that keep you from being successful on your path toward wellness.

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