Hi Everyone! I hope you are doing as well as possible and you know how much we appreciate you.

For some time Karen and I have been praying for a way to get a new large volume nebulizer compressor. Our business partner and sister/friend, Jamie Holloway, lives with several chronic illnesses and one requires her to breathe through a trach. When you have a trach, often you deal with your airways drying out and failing. Jamie needs this machine to keep breathing. Her machine broke about a month ago and she has been trying hard to survive.

Yesterday she had to go to the ER because she could not speak or get enough oxygen. Because of COVID-19 there are shortages of machines and the staff had to make a machine to help moisten her airways. She will be in the hospital for a few days. Because of her distress her bronchial tubes became inflamed.

It occurred to me today to start a GoFundMe account in her benefit. We are asking for $1000 to cover the cost of a new machine, taxes, shipping and any parts that the machine requires…and the fees that GoFundMe charges. I struggled with the idea that posting this on our business website might be unprofessional, but Jamie inspires so many people, especially Karen and I and some of her ideas of helped form Wellness Works NW more than you might think. She is not just our Research Manager she breathes life into us when we are struggling for new ideas and learning how to grow this business so we can serve more clients to the best of our ability.

At this time if you can pray or give to this fundraiser, you will be literally breathing life into an amazing woman.

Click here to learn more about Help Jamie Holloway Breathe on GoFundMe!


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