Hi Everybody. It’s Karen from Wellness Works NW and I want to welcome you to Autumn…or Fall…I can’t remember which one; let’s just call it Autumn. I like it when the seasons change and the colors change and speaking of speaking of seasons, as we start to get older we start to get thinking: Things are changes.
This is a reason to realize that things are getting better and better! Do you know that we more people living to 100, than we ever have in this country. Do you know why? Its our mindset. 

It is how we are thinking about ourselves, our environment, our family, the whole nine yards. We have to pump it up a little bit. There are many things that you can do to make sure that you are getting better because your going to get older, you might as well get better, right?
You read all these articles about healthy aging and there are many there are several things that you can do and today I am going to break it down into just a few things and keep it simple. Of course we are going to talk about exercise because that is what I do!
You can lift weights – I am not suggesting that you become the Hulk or Arnold Schwarzenegger but you can lift weights. The weights I am using are only 5 lbs. You can do the same thing with jugs of water or moonshine. I am just kidding about the moonshine. 

You want set your feet about a shoulder width apart and come up on the side, very slowly. Bring your hands from your thighs up to just above your shoulders while keeping your arms straight. Next you want to do some shoulder shrugs and a few bicep curls. If you crouch a bit, you will engage your thigh muscles too. Do about 10 of these and then 10 more on the other side. Another way to use your weights are to start with your arms out to the side, arms straight and bring your arms forward and together, in front of you while keep your arms straight, very slowly.
The 2nd thing you can do is to just walk. Walk regularly. You don’t have to walk miles and miles. You could walk about your neighborhood or a track, if you have access to that. 
The last thing I am going to talk about is HIIT: High Intensity Interval  Training. I love it! High Intensity Interval Training basically means that you start out a normal pace and then after a while speed it up a bit. You might even jog for a bit, maybe 30 seconds, and then you go back to your normal pace. That is really powerful. If you do this you will really be able to feel a difference. You can do this with any activity that you enjoy doing. Go at your normal pace and then speed it up for about 30 seconds and then go back to what you were doing. Remember to warm up before you start.
It is all about how you are thinking. I know you want to get better so you have set your mindset to something better. This High Intensity Interval Training will work for you and you only have to do this only a few times per week. You don’t have to go all jock crazy.
Think positive. You are resource and people really need you. I want you to stay as healthy as you possibly can. Think good clean thoughts. You can do this. I am here to help you do this.
If you need any help just let us know. Our website has all kinds of great information that will help you.
I am sending all kinds of positive thoughts and prayers. Let’s live to see 100 or more!
#KeepMoving #WellnessWorks #WootWoot

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Karen G ClemensonKaren G. Clemenson is not a doctor or a scientist. She is a real person that eats too much sometimes and misses her workout on occasion but is mindful of her path toward wellness, all the time.

Karen understands that your physical wellness does not begin and end with your membership to a local gym. She knows that weight loss management begins with steps; some small and some large. These steps include diet, physical activity and retraining of the thoughts and habits that keep you from being successful on your path toward wellness.

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