Wellness Works NW wants say THANK YOU to all the Medical Professionals out there!

Whoa! What a challenging time we are all in. We are all in this together and all of the news reports and social media posts seem to be all about the disaster and the fear of it all. I made the decision to step back and look at the helpers just like Fred Rogers said, from my childhood. I decided to look for the helpers who are stepping up and helping people in all sorts of circumstances in their lives.

I live with a compromised immune system and in a couple of weeks I will be getting my chemo infusion and I am reminded of all the nurses and doctors and CNA’s who are stepping up and standing with those of us who are sick. Especially now with the COVID-19 virus that is going around.

I have had many amazing doctors, nurses, and CNA’s who have stood by me helping me breathe, helping me get to the bathroom, and helping me clean up when I am not feeling well.

I did a search on Google, my purpose was to find stories of how people are thanking the medical staff, the helpers. I love that a few celebrities are thanking them. Tom Hanks thanked his helpers, including the medical staff in Australia who helped him and his wife. There are several who did this. I saw how some restaurants and fast foods chains are bringing the medical teams food in thanks for their care. The girl scouts even brought a team girl scout cookies. I love all of what I have been seeing. 

Thank A Doctor Day is on March 30, but I am going to link Doctors, Nurses, and CNA’s all in this post about thanking your doctor. 

How to thank your medical staff:

  • Write a thank you note or send a card. 
  • Send flowers
  • Make them a treat to enjoy
  • At your next visit bring coffee or tea
  • Send them a muffin basket or a fruit basket
  • Verbally thank them

I want to take the opportunity to thank the medical doctors, nurses, and cna’s in the state of Washington for all that you are doing during this coronavirus 19 outbreak. I appreciate your dedication and the fact you are endangering your life and your families life by being there for the sick and the dying. I admire your courage and dedication to being a helper. I send you all a virtual hug and a high five. Keep up the good work!


Here are some links I would like to share with you:

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JamieHollowayJamie Holloway lives in the Portland, Oregon area. Since October 2011 she has been sharing her Journey Toward Health and Wellness with Vasculitis through her blog at JamieChasesButterflies.com. As most of her articles will be about Men’s Health, Jamie intends to write her articles as though she was sharing important information with her brother, nephews and friends. We hope you are as inspired as we are with the raw candor Jamie uses in her writing. If you would like to help support Jamie’s writing efforts please Donate now.

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